『並河靖之 七宝』展 ”Namikawa Yasuyuki and Japanese Cloisonné
English will follow.
明日から4月9日まで東京都庭園美術館で開催の『並河靖之 七宝』展の内覧会へ。
I went to a reception party for an Exhibition”Namikawa Yasuyuki and Japanese Cloisonné” held at Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum. The exhibition will start tomorrow until 9th April. Although some titles and captions are difficult to read as the Art Deco style room are dark, the pieces are very beautiful.
If my supervisor late Dr Oliver Impey knew that the Meiji Cloisonné exhibition is held at such a wonderful museum, he must be very satisfied as he realized the value of the Meiji decorative arts in 1980s when most of Japanese art history researchers did not know the value.<