20th Anniversary Convention of NCS at Albuqurque
アルバカーキで開催されたNCS (Noritake Collectors’ Society)のコンベンションでオークションが開催されました。アールデコ期に日本からアメリカ向けに輸出された作品が中心です。上の写真はプレビューの時の会員の真剣な様子。オークションが
The auction of 20th anniversary convention of NCS(Noritake Collectors’ Society) at Albuquerque was held yesterday.
(upper) The members were looking the pieces carefully at the preview.
(bottom) A set of sugar and creamer that I could get at the auction. These lovely pieces were very cheap when they were sold in early 20th century and still not so expensive even now. But I believe the design is not out of fashion and charming now.