- Project Professor; Tokyo University of the Arts, Global Support Center
- Visiting Professor; Teikyo University, School of Medicine
- Managing Director of Itani Art Office Corporation
- President of Japan Porcelain Society (2007~)
- Representative Director of the International Kougei (Handicrafts) Exchange
System (2012~)
- Chair of the Japan Coffee Cultural Society (2022~)
- Chair of the Contemporary Handicrafts Artist Association
- Member of The Japan Writers’ Association
- Member of the Japan Travel Writers’ Organization
- Member of the Africa Society of Japan ,Project Assessment and Funding Committee
- Japanese modern art history (focusing on decorative arts), Japanese modern
export ceramics history, and intercultural communication
Educational History
- Doctor of Philosophy; University of Oxford, Oriental Institute (now Faculty of Asian
and Middle Eastern Studies) (2006)
- Master of Arts (Distinction); SOAS University of London (School of Oriental and
African Studies) (2001)
- Master of Arts (School of Humanities); Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan (2000)
- Bachelor of Arts (French Language and Literature); Kwansei Gakuin University,
Japan (1979)