3番目は、スペインのLa Chinataのリップ&ノーズバウム。500円ほどで楽天やAmazonでも買えます。機内でハンドクリームにも鼻中の乾燥にも、また旅行中靴クリームとしても、ジッパーが引っかかった時の潤滑油などととにかく万能。以前はロキシタンのシアバター使ってましたがこちらの方が伸びがいいです!
My most convenient tool for in flight time are: mask with medicated wet tissue, earphone and La Chinata nose and lip balm. 1.The Mask avoids the dryness during the flight. 2.The sound quality of my personal earphone is much better than free earphone and it does not make me headache as it is not tighten my head. 3.Spanish La Chinata nose and lip balm is almighty in and out of airplane as hand cream and balm in flight and as shoe shine cream, lubricating oil for zipper etc during my trip.