2日目は日光東照宮へ。招き猫も三猿も修理中とのことで、ついていないと思っていたら、一年の三分の一お天気のいい日に10:00-12:00にしか姿をみることができないという神馬に会え、陽明門で修理のためにはずした壁から出現した桐油彩色画を217年ぶりに見ることができ、結婚式に偶然遭遇し、奇跡のようなGood Luckが続いた見学となりました!
I experienced Nikko-bori(Nikko style wood curving) and made tray with internatinal student during the trip to Nikko. Although it was first time for the students, as they are artist, their works were ingenious. And 2nd day of the trip, we visited Nikko Toshogu Shrine. We could see sacred horse which emerges from 10:00-12:00 only in fine day and 1/3 of a year. And we could see the panels which was discovered under pheony picture after 217 years. And further more, we could encounter the wedding in the shrine by chance. How lucky we are!!