昨夜、在京オランダ大使館にて、日本・オランダ文化協会の1周年記念イベントとして、Jan de Hond博士とメンノ・フィスキ氏による「アムステルダム国立美術館の収蔵品に見る1600年以降の日本とオランダの関係」の講演がありました。
To celebrate the first anniversary of the establishment of the Japan Netherlands Architecture Cultural Association, Netherlands Embassy helpd an event of the lecture tit…led ‘ A narrow bridge: Japan and the Netherlands from 1600’ last night. The speakers are Dr. Jan de Hond and Mr. Menno Fitski of Rijksmuseum. The lecture was so intersting. In the reception party after the lecture,I could meet many people whom I have known through their books or papers but I have not yet met before as well as my Dutch friends, I enjoyed the Neitherlands night so much!!.