Asian Lacquer Craft Exchange Program in Chiang Mai開会式
今日はAsian Lacquer Craft Exchange Program in Chiang Maiの開会式でした。チェンマイ大学副学長や在タイ・チェンマイ領事館の堀越領事などをお迎えして開会の挨拶後、Vithi先生と小椋先生の基調講演およびアジア各国の漆芸の動向についての発表があり、私も発表を行いました。
Today, after the opening ceremony, Asian Lacquer Craft Exchange Program in Chiang Mai started wit key note lecture by Professor Norihiko Ogura and Mr. Vithi Panichapan. Then, our presentations followed. The reception party wad held at the garden of the University sitting on the loan with the table of banana leaf. It was nearly full moon tonight and the I could feel the wonderful scent of Plumeria? Asian lacquer artists and researchers discussed a lot under the tree. It is so busy but wonderful day today!!